On Systematizers

“I mistrust all systematizers and avoid them.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche

“The basic feature of our economic theory is that we have no theory at all.”
-Adolf Hitler

Since the dawn of Fascism/National Socialism, a multitude of so-called historians and philosophers have tried (and failed) to define this apparently unknowable creed. Generic descriptions like “militaristic authoritarian nationalism” abound, along with the same-old tired attempts at mass-level psychoanalysis, as they attempt to explain the rise of Fascism/NS by positing certain moral or psychological failings on the part of the populace that embraced it. This failure to understand Fascism/NS is not, of course, a failure on the part of the worldview itself. It is a failure on the part of the historians and philosophers to understand a worldview that is not tied down by short-term, systematic, and dogmatically theoretical thinking.

Nearly all of the ideologies acceptable to a mainstream historian or philosopher are tightly bound to near-religiously held beliefs regarding economic systems, forms of government, matters of foreign policy, social programs, etc. There is no place in most of these ideologies for heresy against these beliefs – as an example, if you are a Marxist, and you do not stick strictly to the doctrines of Historical Materialism, you will be denounced as a revisionist.

In most of these ideologies that are opposed to Fascism/NS, adherence to theory ends up taking precedence over all other concerns – if your deeply-held belief in a certain economic practice conflicts with the best interests of your nation, well, too bad. All of these ideologies tend to build up, like a stack of cards, an all-encompassing system of governance and policy that must be applied in full, regardless of its practicality, rationality, or feasibility.

This obsession with systematization does not only appear in a political context. It is equally common in religious and philosophical contexts, and there are a nearly endless number of examples of religious or philosophical beliefs being utterly discredited or disproven, and yet, their adherents still stick with them because they are integral parts of whatever religious or philosophical system they follow.

Perhaps the greatest strength of Fascism/National Socialism is its ability to transcend these failings. Our worldview is founded on the Laws of Nature, biology, anthropology, physics, genetics; in short, it is founded on Universal Truths. We can find no Universal Truths in the doctrines of various economic policies, there are no unchanging laws of nature in petty specific forms of administration. We are, in short, not tied down by any dogmatic nonsense that will place unnecessary obstacles in our path. Our goal is not the enactment of short-term policies, we take a long-term view, guided by our unshakable faith in the Laws of Nature.

We must ensure that we never become overly attached to any specific petty policies or goals that do not align exactly with our long-term goal, namely, the survival and evolution of the Aryan Race. Any policy or goal that is found to not align with that primary goal must be cast off immediately. NOTHING can be allowed to conflict with this goal; the future of the Universe itself may very well be at stake.