Our Approach

A certain level of foolish dogmatism has infected aspects of the National Socialist community. An “our way or the highway” approach has been adopted, and any positive event not stemming directly from us is being denounced as unproductive, useless, or downright harmful, despite the seemingly clear advantages that some of these events have brought. This […]

“The Order” – A Review

In the past, film reviews have not been a particular speciality of the American Futurist – but, for 2024’s “The Order”, we had to make an exception. The new film, which tells the story of Robert Jay Mathews and his famed Silent Brotherhood, almost cries out for commentary from an NS publication. So, we made […]

NSRF Disbandment

The National Socialist Resistance Front has been disbanded for the better part of a year, but we’ve now decided to make an official announcement. The organization never really got off the ground, and we don’t see a point in trying to revive something that was never particularly active in the first place. We thank you […]

Aryan Fest 2024

Promotional Post for AFN’s Aryan Fest in Georgia Aryan Fest – October 26, 2024 This year, AFN welcomes all our Official Supporters and Racial Allies to come and enjoy a weekend of Celebration of AFN’s 3 year anniversary. Empire Falls and many other RAC Bands will be playing. We will have guest speakers, outdoor games, […]

Horrors of Occupation

Recent events in the UK and Ireland have been inspiring. While many figureheads have talked about how nothing has been/will be accomplished, the mere act of an actual anti-immigrant lash out by native Whites is certainly a new precedent. These protests went as far as beating up non-whites and burning down immigrant housing. White countries […]

Speech Laws

DISCLAIMER: This article contains general legal information. It is not legal advice. All legal information in this article is true as of the time of writing. However, the law may change over time. To obtain legal advice about a specific legal issue that may impact your personal situation, speak to a licensed attorney. If we […]

On Systematizers

“I mistrust all systematizers and avoid them.”-Friedrich Nietzsche “The basic feature of our economic theory is that we have no theory at all.”-Adolf Hitler Since the dawn of Fascism/National Socialism, a multitude of so-called historians and philosophers have tried (and failed) to define this apparently unknowable creed. Generic descriptions like “militaristic authoritarian nationalism” abound, along […]