NSLF Book Released

We at The American Futurist are pleased to announce the release of a thought to be lost book. That being N.S.L.F by Vincent Snyder (Cameron Denton) with the introduction written by James Mason and contributions by the likes of others such as Tom Metzger and others who knew Joseph Tommasi as well. Originally we thought […]

The Crime Drop

A puzzling development happened from the year 1991 on-wards. That is the complete cliff-side drop-off in terms of violent crime within the United States of America. Even more puzzling is the fact that this point isn’t nearly as common a counterargument against our touting of racial crime statistics and the fallibility of modern multicultural society, […]

Beware of the Kiwis

As some are already aware, for the past couple months there has been much news coverage around the gossip forum known as Kiwifarms. For those who are unaware, it can be summarized as leftist transvestites become enraged when a gossip forum discusses immoral things they like to do allegedly around and to young boys online […]

The Founding of the NSRF

Many disparate events have led to the founding of the National Socialist Resistance Front. All of our founding members were involved with the National Socialist Order, which has, in recent weeks, been transformed into an entirely different type of group. Unbeknownst to most of us, there was a secretive Order of Nine Angles Satanist strain […]

Breaking Ties With The NSO

The American Futurist is cutting ties with and no longer supporting the National Socialist Order. According to recent developments, bad actors have taken over the organization and are now using it to promote The Order of the Nine Angles’ Satanism and Child Rape. In any case, all individuals involved with this takeover are no longer […]