Book Updates & More

As an update on various things. We felt this post should be made as an explanation. Since there are topics of interest to be updated on such as us selling physical copies of SIEGE by James Mason as well as various booklets. The status of the website and current problems with it and much more.

First things first. Physical copies of SIEGE are coming, we just ran into delays and problems during development of the new edition of SIEGE. However as of this post, the order for those books, specifically 100 copies is being put in today with our publisher and we expect them to be shipped out to us in a couple weeks hopefully. Unless there are delays in the manufacturing. In any matter though we stated we’d get physical copies by mid-December, that being now. Delays in the development of the PDF and having our time build the new edition from scratch has caused delays until now.

How SIEGE as well as other items will be sold is simple. We will sell both through mail-order to our Denver PO Box and selling through having you email us your information and paying through cryptocurrency. We will not keep your personal information when given to us however we recommend heavily to invest in a PO box under a fake business name. So the information given is useless to anyone who’d be interested anyways. PO boxes aren’t that expensive and it’s well worth it.

With that out of the way. We wanted to bring up to you the fact that obviously there are currently issues with the site. That being certain aesthetic problems with design. Stuff such as the white header bar at the top, the wordpress theme copyright at the bottom, the donation page on mobile looking weird and more. We’re well aware of these issues and when we get the time we’ll look into fixing them.

Please forgive us but our team is several people and we’re all really busy both on projects of our own and balancing that with our personal lives and careers. For example a big reason it took us nearly two weeks to get our site back up is due to the fact our two tech guys building it also do work for big tech companies and are extremely busy as is among other issues that cropped up.

Another issue to address is the issue of missing articles. This is both intentional and unintentional. For example we did not reupload stuff like Book of the Month or various announcements because there wasn’t a point in it. As a side note we are axing Book of the Month due to it not being very popular, with ideological articles being more popular so we’ll focus more on that. Unintentionally however we have a gap in our archive. For some reason articles from September-Early November were lost. So we had to rely on an version of these we had to manually find to reupload. Which we’ve gotten 99% of them up with the last of what we think up after this article.

If you posted an article with us or really enjoyed an article but it is no longer up anymore. Please Email us at [email protected] and we’ll fix it. There isn’t any malice or any ill intent if this is the case to you. It was most likely just an oversight on our part. So just email us and we’ll get to answering you as soon as possible.

Hopefully this resolves the situation and the questions we’ve been getting. Please be sure to spread the new URL around as well. We’ve mostly got our old userbase back but we’re still missing a couple thousand which we expect to recover fully from soon.

Hail Victory!