Horrors of Occupation

Recent events in the UK and Ireland have been inspiring. While many figureheads have talked about how nothing has been/will be accomplished, the mere act of an actual anti-immigrant lash out by native Whites is certainly a new precedent. These protests went as far as beating up non-whites and burning down immigrant housing. White countries (especially Anglo-Saxon ones) thus far have been very passive about any sort of nativist or racial (usually due to some notion of white identity not even existing) pushback against these policies and its very positive to see this even happening. It would be idiotic to expect such protests to instantly grow into a force to topple the government as some said, but the acceleration of this rhetoric into an openly violent and identity based physical action is a leap forward in white action against our jewish and non-white occupiers.

The initial state of affairs in the UK brought a long awaited fervor to many, but after the first few days – things totally ceased. There were posts going around encouraging more actions to happen again at an even grander scale. Massive lists of addresses and locations housing refugees or areas culturally important to these refugees being attack. If these events had occurred, this situation may have escalated well beyond what it was. This was part of the initial hype cycle, and we were hopeful actions would continue. On the day of, nothing happened. Muslims came out in a show of force, the state had its pigs activated and deployed. There was a massive media campaign about how ‘Hate had been defeated’. Muslims walked around wielding weapons, completely exempt from any law enforcement action which resulted in quite an intimidating show of force for these groups. The nationalist response to this was plain cowardly. Online groups posted about their victory in having ‘trolled’ the government by making them waste their time and energy on attacks which never would have happened. Even if this were true, all the energy in these protests totally ceased, and the native Brits, intentionally or not, looked entirely weak and defeated.

Imagine if the situation were reversed. Imagine if people went out and actually fought even harder for what they believed in. Imagine the fear that would be instilled into these unwelcome invaders at the sight of their previous hospitable hosts turning feral. Even towns in the south that have had one (or even a made up) lynching scare the blacks off generations later. People may have gone to jail, but they ended up doing that over being in the same location as a protest anyway. If you won’t fight now, when will you? If you will not fight for yourself, who will?

My opinion here does not seem to be shared by the movement. Many are still stuck in the initial hype cycle of seeing the ‘Awakened Saxon’ take to the streets. I understand this, and there is definitely a positive to what has happened. That being said, my mind took a very dark turn once things did turn out the way I wanted. I was overcome with visions of horror. Many do not understand exactly what is at stake here. We are not just talking about whites being killed in a quick Hollywoodesque manner, we are talking about total enslavement and occupation. We currently refer to our governments ‘occupational’ and this is rightfully so. No White country actually defends the interests of its own blood in any way at all, and short of a mass revolt or collapse this is unlikely to change. The problem is, many of even the highest level of enlightenment do not appreciate just how bad things can get. I am not writing this in an effort to lower morale, but to paint a picture of what we are fighting for and what is ultimately at stake.

The jewish takeover of every government is, in a historical sense, relatively recent. Excluding this, white countries outside of the eastern bloc have not had to face the darkness of aliens or alien ideologies ruling over them. The Anglo countries and Western Europe have had centuries of independence. This is partially why most Eastern European countries have more resilience to our current situation, as they are all too familiar with what a boot on your neck is like. Even then, the eastern bloc countries still maintained their racial integrity for the most part. Having tyrants who are mostly of your own is still much preferable to the worst possible scenario for all white countries at this point. The ‘tyranny’ which flung the United States into existence was a mere tax forced upon the population by people who were of the same blood. These countries may have had experience with bad leadership and bad ideologies, but no white country in recent history has had to deal with the living hell that is being a stateless nation with foreign alien occupiers.

What we currently live in is an occupation. It is a terrible occupation, one which has surpassed the Weimar in almost every way possible, but it isn’t the worst it can get, it isn’t even ten percent of what the worst case scenario. In Mein Kampf, Hitler described the potentiality for all life on earth to be extinguished if our enemies win. This may be true, and it may be the case in the far future. The short term future if we do not win has me even more concerned.

Look to other conquered civilizations. Not just ones who have had a temporary occupation, but groups who at one point, long ago, were totally defeated and became subservient (willing or not) to another group. People like the Kurds or Palestinians. These groups are the definition of utter powerlessness. The kurds for example have been a conquered people for centuries. That is centuries of never having a say in government, having your wives and daughters abducted and raped, your sons sent to war for your occupier, all of your labor being used to support this group, and having zero ability to do anything at all about it besides suicide. This is the potential reality we face. If things do not change course, in a few generations we will be minorities in all or most of our own countries. There will be no one help us, we will be outnumbered, out gunned, and have no way of doing anything about it. These other alien groups hate us or are being groomed into the mindset of hatred. They want revenge. These groups already murder and rape even as small minorities of less than ten or twenty percent of the population, imagine what can happen if they are eighty percent. This isn’t a temporary situation, but an eternity of oppression we face if we do not win this battle.

These occupiers used many tactics our occupiers do. The ottoman Turks abducted to sons of their subjects to turn them to eunuchs. They made a constant effort to demoralize these people and humiliate them. If you think our humiliation at the hands of these kikes is bad now, imagine in fifty or a hundred years from now if action is not taken as soon as possible.

This is what people are not seeing. This is not about political issues, it is not about degeneracy, religious mockery, or some other minor piece of the entire situation. We are at war, we are a people on the brink of being trapped in an unrecoverable situation where there is no ‘plan B’. There is no room for trepidation. We do not have time on our side, we cannot ‘troll the government’ to make them look bad. Making your enemy look like a hypocrite, a fool, or mean is not a the level of action we need. We need to be strong, we need to use both truth and lies to wake our people up. We need to take advantage of every situation to frame things for how they truly are. If we can’t do that, if we act cowardly and treat this like a hobby or a ‘long game’, we will not survive.