Lost Art of Clandestinity

A confounding feature of the modern-day movement is the total inability to run a clandestine operation. Many have come to terms with the fact that there is no alternative political solution to violence, yet they still insist on running a named group with branding, public recruitment, etc. This strategy may work for a group dedicated to protests or politics, but it is totally incoherent for many groups that claim to read the “War of the Flea” and other associated works about guerilla warfare.

Too many in our movement today operate like we have a legitimate political system. While groups like the Brown Shirts or Black Shirts could operate in public, this was a symptom of either SOME legitimacy to their system or its total weakness. We live in a society that is entirely illegitimate but not weak. The system has some large cracks in it, but an innumerable amount of resources are put into the police state, which will not hold back when working against us, its true enemy. Most of our readership knows that these old-style political tactics won’t work. It is also true that many are only participating for attention and have no pragmatic goals.

A typical left-wing or moderate group has the luxury of operating in the open because no police state is watching over them. We do not have this luxury, especially on the more radical side of the spectrum. If you are truly dedicated to having a revolutionary or terrorist group, it makes no sense to build any sort of publicly known “organization” as your group. Did the Mafia have any public recruitment posters saying “JOIN THE MOB!” with a cool banner as their logo? No, because they were criminals, and any sort of public exposure put them at major risk of infiltration. Everything was done via word of mouth because they knew they needed to operate UNDERGROUND.

I received some flak in “The Path Forward” for my points on non-public organizations. My question about this rhetoric is: how exactly is a group that intends to commit major crimes supposed to not be hindered by a public profile? If you are a truly violently intentioned group, you need to stop falling for the trap (as we did in the old days) of making yourselves known. You should be plotting in the darkness to strike when the time is right. You need to act like the criminal renegade that you intend to be. Think of “The Organization” in the Turner Diaries. They plotted all sorts of attacks and had a criminal network, yet it was a shadowy effort to even figure out what the organization was. Watch a crime show with your mom and see how half the detective work involves figuring out the criminal leadership structure. This is a very basic concept which seems to have been totally lost by National Socialists.

Editor’s Note: Check out this video on the Lebanon War in the 1980s between the Lebanese and the IDF and US Military. Especially in regards to the history of Hezbollah and how its clandestine nature enabled it to push both groups out of South Lebanon.