A certain level of foolish dogmatism has infected aspects of the National Socialist community. An “our way or the highway” approach has been adopted, and any positive event not stemming directly from us is being denounced as unproductive, useless, or downright harmful, despite the seemingly clear advantages that some of these events have brought.
This seems to stem from a sort of sacralization of tactics. Rather than realizing that the tactics and strategies that we use are consequentialist, i.e., that we have adopted them because we find them to be the tactics and strategies that are most likely to lead to our eventual success, they seem to be under the impression that these tactics and strategies are, in some way, a type of holy writ. Somehow, to not stick to these allegedly pre-ordained strategies and tactics is a betrayal of some mythical pact.
Our goal is nothing less than to ensure the survival and evolution of the Aryan Race – anything that leads towards that goal is good, anything that opposes it is evil. There seems to be little room within this clear goal for dogmatically sticking to certain outmoded viewpoints or approaches when they have clearly been shown to be incorrect.
The early period of the Second Presidency of Donald Trump is the clearest recent example of this. However unconscious this may have been, many of Trump’s early moves have indisputably played into our hands. His dismantling and discrediting of the FBI has reduced public confidence and trust in that heinous institution to levels so low that it is scarcely believable. His administration’s war upon federal bureaucrats has led to mass demoralization within that anti-White machine – many members of the public have been deprived of a belief that was, whether they knew it or not, fundamental. A belief that, at its heart, the Government of the United States was made up of honest, hard-working public servants who had their best interests at heart. Seemingly overnight, the public has found that, in reality, it is mostly composed of brain-raped leftists using Americans tax dollars to fund their racial-communist social experiments.
Federal prosecutors who have personally prosecuted friends and comrades of the AF Staff have been unceremoniously fired after lengthy careers – dumped on the side of the proverbial road after years of ZOG service. Prosecutors and FBI Agents who have spent hundreds of thousands of collective man-hours prosecuting January 6th “rioters” have now seen all of that effort flushed right down the toilet.
For the first time, sanctions have been imposed on a foreign government explicitly because of its treatment of Whites – the Afrikaners in South Africa were spoken of in an official presidential document as a persecuted group. This would’ve been patently unthinkable just a few years ago.
Despite the suboptimal rhetoric focusing on “criminal illegal aliens”, the mass-deportation operations are certainly a step in the right direction, from the perspective of a group whose main goal must include the survival of the Aryan race. In addition to this, the Executive Order suspending birthright citizenship, though it will likely not hold up in court, was a major step forward rhetorically. This would have also been completely unthinkable just a few short years ago.
All of these obvious victories have occurred in less than a month. Yet, many on our side refuse to accept them as victories at all, due to their source. As we mentioned earlier, this comes from a fundamental misunderstanding of strategy and tactics – and perhaps, also, from a certain psychological failing, a contrarian desire to always see ourselves as in opposition to all steps taken by the government, even if they are in the right direction.
One of the major issues with National Socialist accelerationism, is that events that tend to lead toward a decay of the government, and of civilization as a whole, will also often tend to lead to a decrease in the percentage of Whites in a given country. This is no issue for Marxist Accelerationists – in fact, it helps them, as the non-White scum of the Earth are far more likely than Whites to accept Marxist rule. However, this is absolutely disastrous for us – we don’t hold a Worldview that can be internalized by biological garbage.
The actions of the Second Trump Administration have managed to thread the proverbial needle on this matter. They have decreased the trust of the average White American in the federal government. They have decreased the influence of the United States on the world stage via pulling funding, open hostility to long-time allies, etc. They have, in fact, diminished the power of the federal government by cutting the staff and budgets of various agencies willy-nilly. They have, at least temporarily, broken the will of some of the slimiest Washington creatures in existence. Most importantly, some of their actions have indeed led to a decrease in the non-White population of the United States, and they have taken up policies that will likely lead to a lessened future increase in that population via their border policy.
Now, of course, seeing these events as positives does not, by any means, imply that we are supporters of Donald Trump, his Republican Party, or any ZOG politicians. But, we are committed to calling a spade a spade, and we are more than willing to simply acknowledge obvious wins when we see them. So far, the early period of Trump’s Second Presidency has been a nearly unmitigated success for us. To say otherwise seems to be nothing more than dogmatic contrarianism couched as hardcore National Socialist accelerationism.
All of this raises a question – what do we do about it? The correct approach seems relatively clear. We must acknowledge wins where we see them, while being quick to point out the various foibles of Trump’s Administration. We need to point out that his positive actions are always, without fail, half measures. As National Socialists, we are lucky enough to have a Worldview that is incredibly intuitive – many of our proposed solutions will be readily accepted by the common White man. When Trump’s actions inevitably don’t go far enough, we must simply show people how our solutions do, indeed, go all the way. Exclusively putting out hard-hitting NS accelerationist propaganda appeals to one group of people – NS accelerationists. It is preaching to the converted. We intend to appeal to interested and sympathetic right-wingers who realize that Trump’s “solutions” tend to be nothing but half measures, while we offer actual, definitive solutions.
We realize that the alien, Jewish system can not be changed from within – it is poisonous, and must be torn down, root and stem, by any means necessary. Yet, we are not delusional. We can accept victories when they come to us, and we can use those victories to broaden our appeal, while not selling out on any of our fundamental beliefs. Rather than crying in a corner and refusing to face reality, like some in our spheres have done, let’s actually take advantage of positive developments. Adapt and overcome.
Our Approach