How To Spot Feds

As a member of the Atomwaffen Division from 2016-2020, and as a member of two other Revolutionary National Socialist groups from 2020-present, I’ve had a number of experiences with people who were later found to be FBI informants or out-and-out FBI Agents. Having avoided arrest and/or prosecution despite numerous attempts by the aforementioned Agents & […]

Undercover Fed Exposed

THIS IS A REPOSTED ARTICLE FROM THE FUTURIST OBSERVER FROM BEFORE IT WAS SHUT DOWN. The gross incompetence of the federal government has enabled us to expose yet another system pig who was involved in the arrests of multiple Atomwaffen members. Through carelessness, an unredacted document was posted regarding the appeals process of Kaleb Cole.  […]

Remember The Martyrs

On May 19th, 2017, Atomwaffen members Andrew Oneschuk and Jeremy Himmelman were struck down in one of the most brazen acts of treachery that we’ve ever seen. Devon Arthurs, their murderer and betrayer, killed them due to their discovery of his psychotic plan to ambush and murder multiple members of Atomwaffen at a then-upcoming meetup. […]

One Big Union

For centuries, the political left has held a nearly unbreakable stranglehold on the workers-rights movement. By and large, the so-called right-wing has completely abdicated its responsibility in this field, choosing to represent the interests of big-money corporations and wealthy donors. The right-wing panders to its white, conservative voting base by offering them political table scraps […]

FBI Misdeeds

It will not come as a surprise to any of our readers that the FBI – our kike-controlled government’s most unwavering and loyal underlings – are involved in various devious and illicit activities. But, we at The American Futurist are now able to inform you about some actions of theirs that are beyond the pale […]

The Founding of the NSRF

Many disparate events have led to the founding of the National Socialist Resistance Front. All of our founding members were involved with the National Socialist Order, which has, in recent weeks, been transformed into an entirely different type of group. Unbeknownst to most of us, there was a secretive Order of Nine Angles Satanist strain […]

The Strelkov Example

Let us take you back to Ukraine in early 2014. Riots, a coup d’etat, instability, invasion, civil war, etc. We, of course, can’t cover all of that. Instead, we’ll talk about the example provided by one man, Igor Strelkov, who took advantage of the chaos and, for better or worse, changed history. Igor Strelkov is […]

Propaganda: A Will and A Way

As American National Socialists, our political will is obvious – we wish to take power, by any means necessary. This is easily understandable, and non-negotiable. The question that we’ve been asking ourselves for decades, is in what way we shall do it. We certainly won’t be able to use conventional means – running for office, […]

Passive Demoralization

As I strolled through the streets of the downtown section of a major American city, a new phrase popped into my head – “Passive Demoralization”. Any white person in a racially mixed urban area can likely understand what I mean by this – the simple fact that the act of walking through a large city […]