The fascist/NS worldview is separate from all other ideas. Not only is it the only one to preach truth and inequality over a river of untruthfulness and equality, it is also much, much more like an organism. As fascism is the ultimate truth, it is much healthier than all other falsehoods: communism, liberalism, etc. A […]
Stagnation and Decay
An issue within our own faction of the greater movement is that of stagnation and a growing irrelevance. While we’re still a major faction within the greater movement, we must adapt and not only survive but also thrive. We are on a plateau of sorts and starting to show signs of stagnation and even decline. […]
With all the things that have occurred over the past year, this has led to some self-reflection on our part. Especially in recent news regarding Brandon Russell’s arrest, along with this project hitting a plateau of sorts in terms of growth in the movement and sadly seeing us start to fall into the same tar […]
Death to the United States!
Death to the United States! I cannot say this enough. The United States is the most evil country to ever exist, period. It must be destroyed. Many in our movement have been chattering over the years where the revolution might be. Some say Europe, others say South Africa, some say South Brazil. I say this: […]
Saddam Hussein: The Last Babylonian King
Saddam Hussein is a name many Americans know but not many know about. He was a model of a 21st-century anti-jewish and anti-US hero. While he was an Arab, that’s irrelevant. Despite knowing that Iraq would lose against the system world order, he stood like a man on the hill challenging the beast regardless. It […]
The Holocaust: So What?
An issue that has plagued the movement since the fall of the Third Reich has been the obsession over disproving the holocaust. I for one am sick of it. Who the fuck cares whether or not the holocaust happened? I for one don’t. Even if it did, ask yourself this. Would it change how you […]
Sell The Lifestyle!
An issue too many in the movement seem to run into is the issue of how to even sell our ideas. Too many individuals and groups, including ourselves at times, have gotten all technical, listing off reasons why someone should become a part of our movement. Things such as “Here bud, read this pamphlet on […]
Brandon Russell’s Arrest
The biggest NS-related news story right now has to do with Brandon Russell, the founder of Atomwaffen Division. Brandon, who was arrested on February 3rd, was indeed known to us, and in fact many of us, including myself, have known him for many years. We tend to not believe anything that the feds have to […]
A few stories are beginning to bubble up from the mainstream media. It’s an important canary in the coal mine for white youth in the United States and the world over. We are seeing a trend of buyer’s remorse from “transgender” parasites. Recently, a Navy SEAL named Chris Beck who “de-transitioned” spoke of the transgender […]
Traffic Stop
For the vast majority of political dissidents, the most likely police encounter they will face on a daily basis is a traffic stop. For many years, most have viewed these as a simple operational concern that only impacts them when they are engaging in activism or clandestine activities. In reality, it is one of the […]