Breaking Ties With The NSO

The American Futurist is cutting ties with and no longer supporting the National Socialist Order. According to recent developments, bad actors have taken over the organization and are now using it to promote The Order of the Nine Angles’ Satanism and Child Rape. In any case, all individuals involved with this takeover are no longer […]

The Chink Menace

A growing problem within the American section of the movement at least has been that of the rising issue of China and those either ignoring it or those celebrating it, either because they’re contrarian idiots or they’re being paid off by China, like, for example, Andrew Anglin. Either way, an issue that must be brought […]

American Futurist News Site Launched

The American Futurist is happy to announce the launch of its new sister site The Futurist Observer which instead of opinion pieces, The Futurist Observer will focus on news related things such as investigative journalism and the news of the day. Considering the fact that The American Futurist is nothing more than an opinion piece […]

The Waiting Room

If you are waiting for social collapse or other ideal scenarios before acting, you will likely die waiting. Victory is only achieved through a man’s will being forcefully imposed on the world. Hitler was not a simple man who got lucky by being in the right place at the right time. Only those willing to […]

The Futurist State 4th Edition Out Now!

We are pleased to announce the release of the 4th (and hopefully final) edition of my book, The Futurist State. The edits made were simply grammar issues along with reworking parts of the book to make the book completely independent from other authors and books as it is a bad form of political writing to […]

The Evangelical Menace

With the news regarding events such as the overturning of Roe v. Wade and talk of further actions by the Religious Right of the United States which is mostly comprised of Evangelical Christians. This rebirth of the Evangelical Movement within the United States has been something that has been on the rise for several years […]