
“Valor, glory, firmness, skill, generosity, steadiness in battle and ability to rule-these constitute the duty of a soldier. They flow from his own nature.”

-Bhagavad Gita

“A sword day, a red day, a feast of swords and a song of glorious combat, off we march, for the courage of our blood still runs true and bright!” These exact words may once have been shouted by a famous and renowned leader of men, hundreds or thousands of years ago, in a language from Old English, to Sanskrit, in front of an arrayed army of our direct ancestors or closely related cousins, galvanizing them for the battle to soon commence as they yearned for the fray. The Warrior Caste, its mythic and heroic deeds have always fascinated and entranced men of the Aryan color, that is, the males born of the White race. We crave and voraciously seek out stories and tales of ancient and more recent feats, of dauntless generals and unwavering warriors, standing firm against the shadow and downfall of their folk. It indeed emanates from our deepest primordial desire, some of us Arya-Varna(Noble-skinned/colored), to act as the protectors and warriors of our volk, the SS of Heinreich Himmler being the most famous and overt modern resuscitation of this divine and distinctively delineated social group, that of the warrior-aristocracy, born and led by their innate nature to seek the sword in warding off the hated foe, whoever it may be, that threatens the welfare and health of our beloved and cherished Aryan race and ethnic groups. In Ancient India, there was a caste devoted to the task of martial prowess and affairs relating to the above quote from the Bhagavad Gita, that being the Kshatriya caste, which the author intends to briefly describe, and relate to the plight of young men today who feel the same call to vocation that the Kshatriyas of old did, and how, perhaps, we can channel their masculine virility and dynamic youthful energy into action advantageous to our ongoing struggle against an occupying and thoroughly demonic adversary.

Kshatriya you may ask, what is that, how does one even begin to properly pronounce such a word? Well, for starters, one speaks it as(Sha-triya), the beginning consonant is silent. This word is Sanskrit in origin, the same sacred language that the famous Bhagavad Gita and the lesser known but no less important Vedas were composed in. In Sanskrit, the word “Kshatriya” is derived from kšatra, meaning “dominion, power, government” from a root kšī “to rule, govern, possess”. The Vedic Kshatriya caste as we recognize it was one that was catalyzed into existence with the Aryan Invasion ofthe Indian subcontinent from the direction of modern day Russia, through the Central Asian Republics & contemporary Afghanistan, finding themselves in eastern Pakistan and the borderlands of northern India ~1900 B.C.E. There, they discovered a decadent and militarily weak civilization of non-white racial heritage, the Indus Valley Civilization, aka the Harrapan Culture. These Aryans, your, dear reader, and my own consanguine cousins, these Indo-Aryans of the Andronovo Culture then proceeded to conquer and subjugate these urban-dwellers of the Indus Valley Civilization. With the aid of their newly invented bronze-based war-chariots and a superior nutritional diet consisting of the semi-nomadic pastoralist sort; mainly constituted by eggs, various meat products including horse , fish when available and raw milk. The Andronovo Culture Aryans ultimately prevailed and settled the region of northwestern India and a portion of eastern Pakistan. The warlike purely Chad behavior and bearing of these lads was immense, imagine a horde of muscular and battle-hardened berserkers decimating a physically smaller, weaker, grain-fed indigenous force and you’ll have accurately envisioned the historical Aryan invasion of the region.

Following the overpowering and domination of the inferior Indus Valley Civilization, there eventually developed the concept of the four Varnas(castes) as a concrete social organizational system, which, at first, was not based on heritage, lineage, but more rather individual merit, as far as we know due to the extant documents. Ergo, there arose, due to their personal aptitude, conduct and immanent nature or gravitational pull towards, this mercurial interest in the warrior vocation, a group and social order devoted to maintaining Dharma(Cosmic Order, the Natural Order) both internally within their villages,and externally towards their tribe’s enemies, often being the non-Aryan indigenous Indians, which were classified as Dasyan by the Vedas, the religious texts created from the oral traditions of the invader Aryans. Kshatriyas acted as insurers that all citizens of the locality were fulfilling their prescribed duty, and advancing within their trade, acting as rulers and governors when not called upon to fulfill their most invigorating and life-affirming function, that of war. Existing as a rather synonymous group in regards to comparisons with the Medieval European knightly class and Japanese Samurai, the Kshatriyas served as guardians of the safety of the Vedic villages, towns and later cities. Rajas(kings) were members of the Kshatriyas caste, ruling in accordance with the holy oral recollections recalled by priests, which later were written down and became the Bhagavad Gita and four main Vedas, along with a few additional, more minor compositions. They sought with all their wills, the worthy amongst them, to embody ideals of a solar king, or Dharma-Raja(Just Ruler), epitomizing those traits crucial of regal necessity. The Raja commanded his subordinate Kshatriyas to protect, maintain and expand his realm, for the salubrious continuation of the tribe!

The Mythological origins of the Kshatriya class, their symbolic color and the traits of the members are also worthy of exploration. The founding of the four castes contained within the Rig Veda are related to the advent of the Aryan race, the genesis and beginning. The Vedic gods sacrificed a mighty cosmic entity named Purusha, upon his death streamed Brahmins from his mouth, Kshatriyas emerged from his arms, Vaishyas from his legs, and Shudras arose from his feet. The color associated with the Kshatriyas caste is, suitably, red, or rajas in Sanskrit, meaning energetic. One may immediately draw the connection with blood, that which is spilled and shed, what is reaped by the warrior and warden of his bloodlines and that of his extended kinfolk. Roman Mars, as the primary god of war, also was associated with the color red. Originally, as noted earlier in this article, there was no firm and fixed caste system based on ones parentage, rather it was dependent on the individual’s internal substance. Those who exhibited personal characteristics of action, will, aggression and energetic liveliness, the virile and spry youth of masculine virtue; they who sought honor, combat, status and the adrenaline rush of the clash of swords, these men found themselves naturally at home within the Kshatriyas class. They were physically excellent specimens, striving for apotheosis like those of our worldview persuasion who participate in Fizeek Friday posting across the various platforms that we have congregated within.

Though we are separated by thousands of years and miles from the époque and geographic location of these dauntless men, we can learn much from their story and structure of organization. They journeyed far and wide, exploring, seeking adventure and chance at challenge, the Andronovo Culture men that became known to history as the Indo-Aryans and later the Vedic culture. The future was by no means certain, yet they were confident and convinced of their inherent superiority, as compared to all foreign and non-Aryan peoples that they encountered. Ancient man knew that our broad and vast Volk carried something more valuable than any others possessed, the Faustian Spirit, the Victorious energy, the Promethean Fire, the God-given Divine Polar Substance, the Uranian Spirituality etc…that Inner-Spark distinct to our people . In our own age and time, surrounded as we are by seemingly robotic and spiritless producers and consumers, bodies without souls, crepuscular and sterile, void and lacking of the Primordial Vitality that served not just the Vedic Kshatriyas well, by furnished all that our collective race has wrought that is positive and oriented upwards. Brothers & sisters, we were born into a meticulously enervated and vitiated society, occupied by a hostile tribe that works their poison in a pernicious manner. We must remember our trek has been one of a march of Titans, the blue-blooded and august. The most valuable and lucrative path of action at this stage, for the Aryan military-age man that the author suspects is the likely reader of this article, is to recall the fiercely independent spirit of our forefathers, their preference to destruction rather than submission to a foreign tribe, and to summon and channel the ancestral strength, this blood-might that hails from our innermost essence. Form bonds with fellow coevals of the Arya-Varna that are unbreakable, seek to organize and network, re-tribalize, convert your childhood friends that show any sense of the capacity to awaken to the articulated and coherent worldview of racial solidarity, of this pure and sincere sacred love for our own kind. Deliberate and pursue with indefatigable duty, a vocation in order to earn enough fiat currency to present a sense of safety and stability to a beautiful, young and fertile Aryan lass. Marry her and ensoul numerous children, allowing her to nurture and nourish them with her uniquely feminine love and nature while you work outside the home to provide. All the while be laboring with unwavering perseverance and implacable dedication, to mold yourself into the ultimate Hyperborean, the warrior-scholar, the perfectly balanced and valiant chain within the link that stretches backwards to the mists of the primordial, and forwards to the bright and radiant future that our posterity shall inherit. Let the tale of the gallant Ksahtriyas and the Vedic Aryan invaders of the Indian subcontinent as a whole, inspire us all to aspire ever and eternally towards the rekindling of the grand flame of a life that we know was stolen from us before we even entered this temporal world.

We inherited a flickering flame, but our sons and daughters shall inherit a raging inferno as aglow and impactful as ten-thousand Suns, so continue onwards, be firm and resolute, reestablish Dharma and let us together lead our holy blood to total Triumph!