Preparedness Worldview Part I

An Article by Rusty Shackleford and Raccoon This article will be the first of a series we are excited to introduce, the focus of these articles is something not usually covered here, rather than just discussing or encouraging the inevitable collapse; we will discuss how you can ensure you survive and excel in such a […]


As a topic, especially within the Pro-Siege/Accelerationist Faction of the movement, that is often up for discussion is that of systemic collapse. An issue that I often see however is just a flat out wrong idea of what a systemic collapse would look like. This being a uniquely American problem as I don’t really see […]

Stop Using Windows

To quote from the immortal words of Terry A. Davis, “The computers went wrong when you made them for niggers, that’s when it went wrong. […] The white people are like ‘it’s a command line what’s your point?’ The niggers are like, ‘no we don’t like a command line’. Here’s the difference between a white […]


It is by model of virtue that we are the way we are. Virtue is defined as a good and moral character and I cannot find a better way to describe the Aryan race, for we are both good and moral – it is our essence. We fight for good, in it’s truest sense – […]

Your Politics Are Boring As Fuck

Originally an article published in 1997 by CrimethInc. as a criticism of leftist political organizing and its errors. Despite this being an article written by a leftist as a criticism of leftist activist tactics and organizing strategies, we feel this piece is extremely relevant and well written regardless and applies equally to us. You can […]

Civil War

This article today will discuss many things our viewership is familiar with: civil war, the dissolution of the American government, rising illegitimacy, and the fact your government hates you. The twist to all of this is that it isn’t us saying it, rather it is regular media and the US government. A few years ago […]