An issue seen too much within the greater movement is an issue of propaganda, that being no one knows what the fuck they’re doing nor how to get a basic message across, it’s down right embarrassing to see the attempts made (and failed) by the movement in terms of the propaganda made and it needs […]
Introduction to Pragnat 2: Basic Garden Design
“The greatest change we need to make is from consumption to production, even if on a small scale, in our own gardens. If only 10% of us do this, there is enough for everyone. Hence the futility of revolutionaries who have no gardens, who depend on the very system they attack…” -Bill Mollison Failing to […]
Preparedness Worldview Part 2: Sustainment
This is the second entry in our preparedness series. Our intention with this article is to discuss sustainment equipment, which is often overlooked in prepper circles. The first article discussed your skills and mindset as the foundation, sustainment gear is the second level of this structure. A gun is very useful, but not if you […]
Undercover Federal Agent Warning!
This is an urgent PSA from The American Futurist! We have been given photos from a former Atomwaffen Division member from the Nuclear Congress of 2019 and just by coincidence the undercover FBI agent who was with FBI informant known as Joshua Sutter had a slip up and this former Atomwaffen Division member who supplied […]
Action is something not many in “NS Circles and Communities” Partake in, and that’s a huge problem we’ve encountered within followers of the Worldview or should I say, Fanboys of the Worldview. These Hang arounds insist that they are the Vanguard of the White Revolution, the saviors of the White Race. Yet they do nothing […]
Contrarianism: The Cancer of our Movement
With the recent news regarding the invasion of Ukraine, it has really been the catalyst for showing ones true principles and beliefs and whether or not an individual has principled beliefs on a subject or they’re just an ignorant retard and/or grifter who’s only opinions stem from being a reactionary that adopts the opposite views […]
Siege Available for International Orders
As a news update for our store, there will be some reforms done to how things are done currently as there have been some issues lately in how things are run. First thing being first, international orders of Siege will now no longer be expensive as fuck ($40+) as we have partnered with NSVendor (please […]
The Sick Ideology of Europe
Liberalism is great because, unlike other ideologies, it lends itself to self-destruction and makes it easier to overthrow, the more ridiculous its ideological defensive attempts are, the faster its collapse and overthrow. To some extent, liberals are instinctively aware of this, from intellectuals to ordinary amoebas. That is why, in recent decades, they have been […]
In Defense of Localism
The Problem: A topic that is often not discussed but should be in our circles is that of the decline of localism, that being the economy within your local community is local, things such as local shops and alike. However besides select remote rural communities within the US, you’re going to be shit out of […]
Introduction into Pragnat
Part 1: Survivalism vs Self reliance: In our community it is not uncommon to hear “there is no political solution”, in fact it probably is a staple in the sound board that is the lemming amongst us who merely parrots back talking points and thinks they are edgy. But lets dive deeper into what is […]