The American Futurist will have its own State of the Union to discuss future developments for our project and to discuss various issues around the project, such as stagnation. Let’s begin. More than just an opinion piece publication: The American Futurist Project needs to be more than just an opinion piece publication. While this website […]
The Strelkov Example
Let us take you back to Ukraine in early 2014. Riots, a coup d’etat, instability, invasion, civil war, etc. We, of course, can’t cover all of that. Instead, we’ll talk about the example provided by one man, Igor Strelkov, who took advantage of the chaos and, for better or worse, changed history. Igor Strelkov is […]
Dennis Mahon: Klan Newsletter
We are pleased to republish an edition of Dennis Mahon’s Newsletter known as The White Beret back when he was a part of the Ku Klux Klan and expect more Dennis Mahon content in the coming months including a planned to be published documentary on the life of Dennis Mahon and his contributions to the […]
The Fag Example
In my tireless research into movements of the past to see how they’ve worked, how they’ve operated, what their successes and failures have been, and what we can learn from them, I’ve found an example that is, in a way, relevant to us. Namely, the LGBT movement. Even though we are disgusted and dismayed by […]
Gun Control: A Lesson in Media Trickery
With the intense current news cycle shilling gun control, there has been one especially noteworthy takeaway. Specifically, how the system gets things it wants done. In a “democratic” society, we see that when the system wants something, they first have to rile up and manipulate the masses into rabidly wanting it. For months, we’ve been […]
American Sewer Politics
There is an outward lie being shoveled around, even with the current happenings occurring. Within the contemporary American political dichotomy, you have two ends of a sewer pipe. One coated in blue paint, and the other coated in red paint. With the recent shootings and the responses trailing those shootings, we are again seeing both […]
Violence and Terror: The Death of Movementarianism
After the recent Patriot Front mass arrest in Idaho, came the ideas from a conversation with a friend. By the way, I predicted last January that this would happen. We talked about how as a movement this will affect us ideologically and tactically. We came to the conclusion that the movement as a whole is […]
Telegram Tomfoolery
Link to Our New Telegram Channel:
Leon Czolgosz: An Anarchist Terror
This is a redo of an early article by Tim Turtle that has been republished due to its contents being relevant for the current times. We must always study history to find what works with direct action tactics. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to blindly repeat its failures. We look for […]
Propaganda: A Will and A Way
As American National Socialists, our political will is obvious – we wish to take power, by any means necessary. This is easily understandable, and non-negotiable. The question that we’ve been asking ourselves for decades, is in what way we shall do it. We certainly won’t be able to use conventional means – running for office, […]